ND Strupler: Are you ON or OFF today?
ND Strupler: The beauty of rusty metal
ND Strupler: Stand strong and transmit your energy
ND Strupler: Ship to SF
ND Strupler: Pic of the day
ND Strupler: Take a break for two.
ND Strupler: Houses On The Water
ND Strupler: Shopping sickness
ND Strupler: Pic of the day
ND Strupler: Herzlich Willkommen
ND Strupler: Pic of the day
ND Strupler: A great view
ND Strupler: I love horses.
ND Strupler: I like horses.
ND Strupler: Poker game pic
ND Strupler: The beauty of focus
ND Strupler: #orange #glass
ND Strupler: Pic of the day
ND Strupler: Pic of the day
ND Strupler: Pic of the day
ND Strupler: Pic of the day
ND Strupler: Down the street view
ND Strupler: Kids just wanna have fun
ND Strupler: Sunset from the top of the world
ND Strupler: My boy
ND Strupler: Pic of the day
ND Strupler: http://www.ndstrupler.com/art-show-in-oc-california/
ND Strupler: Golden Gate
ND Strupler: Looking back can motivate you, cause you see where you come from and how long it took.
ND Strupler: How bout an American lunch?