strph: just when the snow really kicked up
strph: march of the penguin
strph: brrrrr
strph: bundled up against the cold
strph: the perch I set up for him
strph: the cat's preferred perch
strph: lucille clifton's "1994"
strph: "...the saddest lies/are the ones we tell ourselves"
strph: "you know how dangerous it is..."
strph: birdseed
strph: blue scarf
strph: steamy
strph: let me out!
strph: princely pose
strph: ouch ouch ouch
strph: not the shoulder again!
strph: immediately conks out on shoulder
strph: Moz, here I come
strph: groggy
strph: mew!
strph: 5 cups
strph: transformation
strph: chili cheese nachos
strph: wet hair
strph: still can't get a good shot of this
strph: but he still loves me.
strph: wet kitty doth protest...