strph: headshot, 2004
strph: grinning at excellent interview, 2004
strph: such a comfy bed, 2004
strph: catnap, 2004
strph: psychedelic bedtime, 2004
strph: mmm, lip balm, 2004
strph: desaturated face, 2004
strph: sleepyhead
strph: me in another one of the bathrooms, 2004
strph: grin
strph: nervously waiting for the concert
strph: i miss you, jeans
strph: Rachel and I right after the Pixies show
strph: upside down
strph: smiley, 2004
strph: bedtime, 2004
strph: gonna lay down, lay down
strph: no face
strph: crazy hair
strph: crazy hair deux
strph: camera slip
strph: smiling blue dope
strph: more gifts from my aunt
strph: "toads" needlepoint from my aunt
strph: me and my pussycat on Xmas 2004
strph: fingers do the walking
strph: foot ring
strph: teeth cleaned!
strph: stripey toe socks
strph: before work