strph: my favorite sign on the turnpike!
strph: it amused ME, anyway
strph: strangest, prettiest graffiti I've seen in a while
strph: "julia, julia, where have you gone..."
strph: reflected in my car window
strph: botanical border in women's restroom
strph: me in the pinkness
strph: the secret medicine cabinet!
strph: so angry...
strph: cirrus clouds? or cirrocumulus? mackerel sky?
strph: free bird, fly
strph: moody sky
strph: hopeful sky
strph: more sky
strph: me and my new student ID
strph: sunburst at sunrise
strph: on the road again
strph: magic hour
strph: thinking of my pal E, who loves pugs
strph: sister as passenger
strph: sweepin' down the plains
strph: strange scene at McDonald's
strph: clean faucet at the Sleep Inn
strph: dinged-up fingernails
strph: sister in pajamas
strph: my funny foot, my sister's hands
strph: trying to get her camera to do macro
strph: sitting in hotel bed