strph: Sidney's new book
strph: Sidney's new book
strph: Sidney's new book
strph: mom & Sidney
strph: mom & Sidney
strph: mom & Sidney
strph: Dreamy Dermot (the frog)
strph: Tim & Sidney and the pop-up book
strph: Dana and Sidney giving us the grand tour
strph: Tim in his rec room
strph: showing us his bathroom
strph: Sidney-shrine ;)
strph: mom & Sidney
strph: Sidney looking out to his backyard
strph: Dana looking outside
strph: Sidney and his new drum
strph: Little Drummer Boy
strph: eating peanut brittle
strph: wiping off his chin?
strph: my mama Carol
strph: figuring out the puzzle
strph: reading the pop-up book
strph: Tim & Dana's wild ceiling fan
strph: Sidney & mom looking at the ceiling fan
strph: Dana, Sidney and Tim with LeapPad
strph: the best expressions!