Stroppycow: Splitting packs of leaflets at Amersham
Stroppycow: Group pic at Amersham
Stroppycow: Patrick Paul Johnny and Tami at Euston 945am
Stroppycow: Rich Neil Adrian Ann and Geoff at Euston 1035
Stroppycow: Brendan and Ellen at Euston 1158
Stroppycow: Dominic comes to say hello at Euston
Stroppycow: Dominic's special Tube Relief sash
Stroppycow: Phil and Chris at Euston 1330
Stroppycow: Nikki Alan James Peter Billy at Euston 1334
Stroppycow: Lukas and Bjorn have a coffee and a rest at Euston 1412
Stroppycow: Andy and Chris at Euston 1529
Stroppycow: Tony Bell David Scard and Ric Bracenbury at Euston 1545
Stroppycow: James and Jack at Euston 1613
Stroppycow: Jeremy at Euston 1639
Stroppycow: John and Jenny at Euston 1640
Stroppycow: Jenny signs Tami's map
Stroppycow: John Peter and Statto at Euston 1654
Stroppycow: It's thirsty work
Stroppycow: Peter Miller at Euston 1718
Stroppycow: Stephen Knight pops in to say hello and upload his Harrow pictures
Stroppycow: Tim and Tugs at Euston 1916
Stroppycow: Nice T-shirts
Stroppycow: Euston station's resident rat with wings
Stroppycow: Abdi Gas and Haroon Anwar find out more about Tube Relief
Stroppycow: The Euston Support Team
Stroppycow: Barry Thomas Chris Toni Larry and Paul at Euston 2046
Stroppycow: Sam at Euston 2058
Stroppycow: Peter and Fimbi at Upminster
Stroppycow: Fimbi has found a goody bag and her teammates look weary
Stroppycow: Tami at Upminster