strongstuff: Waiting in Cooperstown
strongstuff: Welcome Adeline Mae!
strongstuff: Adeline greets the fam
strongstuff: Adeline, taking it all in
strongstuff: Adeline's toy is bigger than she is
strongstuff: First family photo
strongstuff: Grandma gets to hold her new granddaughter for the first time
strongstuff: Look at the hair on that kid!
strongstuff: Aunt Marcy and Adeline
strongstuff: Grandpa and Adeline
strongstuff: Just chillin'
strongstuff: Proud mama
strongstuff: Adeline says, "hands up everybody!"
strongstuff: *Yawn* I think I'll go back to sleep
strongstuff: Back to sleep
strongstuff: Just perfect
strongstuff: Waiting for Adeline
strongstuff: Ernie is waiting...
strongstuff: Ernie waits so long he needs to lay down
strongstuff: Molly waits for Adeline
strongstuff: They both wait for Adeline!
strongstuff: And here's Adeline!
strongstuff: Adeline is not impressed with our sign
strongstuff: Molly says, "what's in there?"
strongstuff: Molly gets a better look
strongstuff: Molly gets closer...
strongstuff: Molly confirms her suspicions... it's another human
strongstuff: Grandpa shows Adeline around the place
strongstuff: Adeline settles in for her first at-home nap
strongstuff: Grandma and Adeline, relaxing at home