strongstuff: My first foray onto the beach
strongstuff: Dad braves the 3-wheeler
strongstuff: The original Biehler/Merkel compound
strongstuff: The Merkel orchards
strongstuff: The 'hood
strongstuff: Spotted this crane at the neighbor's
strongstuff: Very tall - and tame - bird
strongstuff: Water is everywhere
strongstuff: Mom and Dad on Bird Key
strongstuff: Standing on Bird Key
strongstuff: Dad finds a letterbox
strongstuff: Marina in Sarasota
strongstuff: A segway stroll
strongstuff: I'm reading along
strongstuff: Dad is hanging out at the library
strongstuff: Random giant tooth
strongstuff: Statue woman and I implore
strongstuff: Statue man thinks
strongstuff: Happy Dad
strongstuff: Sarasota Bayfront
strongstuff: Dinner at the Roaring 20s
strongstuff: Organist on his Wurlitzer
strongstuff: Wine in the grocery store!
strongstuff: Mother-daughter pedicure day
strongstuff: My bedroom
strongstuff: Merkels Vacation Resort II
strongstuff: Very retro
strongstuff: The final result
strongstuff: Little kitchen
strongstuff: Mom checks out the neighborhood