Bob Stronck: African Elephant & calf
Bob Stronck: American Avocet & Chicks
Bob Stronck: Baboon Baby
Bob Stronck: Baby Baboon Ride
Bob Stronck: Blue-footed Boobie with Chick
Bob Stronck: Bobcat Kitten
Bob Stronck: Bobcat Kitten
Bob Stronck: Canada Geese with Goslings
Bob Stronck: Chicks
Bob Stronck: Doe and Fawn
Bob Stronck: Ewe & Lamb
Bob Stronck: Lion & Cubs
Bob Stronck: Mallard Ducklings
Bob Stronck: Mallard hen & ducklings
Bob Stronck: Common Merganser & ducklings
Bob Stronck: Forster's Tern with chicks
Bob Stronck: Tule Elk with calf
Bob Stronck: Mare & colt -Waipi'o Valley, HI