f w.: sand alone open by trembling
f w.: (nuit blanche)
f w.: no return [sans retour
f w.: Dérives de l'insinuation [Drifts of insinuation
f w.: La mer (...) dénude la pierre dure, ôte la chair
f w.: the human are binary creatures
f w.: Uræus uraniens
f w.: The echo of a harp with nine strings
f w.: nine is the totality of the three worlds
f w.: hours of winter on the branches
f w.: a liquid color of your skin
f w.: The bud of the stars take icy. thorns
f w.: o o o o
f w.: make about intuition a principle
f w.: La Statufication
f w.: Capharnaüm of all hopes
f w.: The tight laws [on the extent
f w.: Towards the Serenity Henri Michaux
f w.: [Unity Entity
f w.: Tomorrow still
f w.: His neck is a supplication
f w.: I remember Zephyr pursuing Chloris
f w.: The Acceptance
f w.: la lumière martyre
f w.: (at the height of the lightning)
f w.: at the hour of dark glow
f w.: vulnerant omnes, ultima necat
f w.: mémoire d'encre en goutte-à-goutte