f w.: this source which gives hunger and thirst
f w.: thus should be body and fire
f w.: Echappe à l'écharde
f w.: if
f w.: External hours
f w.: A star is a bubble of plasma
f w.: with the filter of a crack
f w.: and I would run more quickly than the animal...
f w.: l'écart d'une clarté
f w.: story of an angel, a black swan, a howling band and a flight
f w.: so many lights contained in an. hour
f w.: destiny O destination
f w.: (during the flash of eternity)
f w.: jellyfish of glass
f w.: Arracher ou. détacher
f w.: Le sursaut entre la hantise et l’ataraxie [The burst between the haunting and ataraxia
f w.: The moon is at the power of sacrifice [La lune est à la puissance du sacrifice
f w.: As if you were there
f w.: Our statue of flesh on the board of. cedar
f w.: a super-sensitivity
f w.: forest to lick its wounds [coup de feu
f w.: among possessed cry
f w.: Indigomania
f w.: the birth of tragedy
f w.: Le cristal des pierres chaudes [The crystal hot stones
f w.: Quand Perséphone [voile Poppée
f w.: Outrepasser. la Giroflée de murailles
f w.: fire raised silk
f w.: Punctures of eternity
f w.: the organ in the organic fiber