striatic: 40 second apartment tour.
striatic: rain car window
striatic: personal computing
striatic: night
striatic: our wedding photo
striatic: the great yarn sort
striatic: moving like a cat
striatic: Zero G knit
striatic: webcam foolishness
striatic: couple
striatic: bedtime book
striatic: before bed ritual
striatic: on love and trust
striatic: for all eternity.
striatic: secret stash
striatic: that's our girl!
striatic: red elvises
striatic: becca at wii
striatic: wedded bliss
striatic: trin, queen of spin
striatic: trin and spence
striatic: more working...
striatic: wave hi!
striatic: swish and flick!
striatic: circling the lot
striatic: BEAVER HOUSE grafitti
striatic: goin' on a walk
striatic: trinity in the trinity church cemetery
striatic: purl soho wall
striatic: knit new york