stretchdog: Fly Fonzi Fly!
stretchdog: sitnice
stretchdog: Best Friends
stretchdog: Best Friends
stretchdog: Best Friends
stretchdog: Best Friends
stretchdog: fonzilookup
stretchdog: Stitch
stretchdog: Fonzi and Monte
stretchdog: Naughty kitty shower cam
stretchdog: sleepingbuds
stretchdog: Puppy in the mirror
stretchdog: New puppy!
stretchdog: IMGP5338.JPG
stretchdog: Cap'n Gus the Pirate Dog
stretchdog: IMGP5340.JPG
stretchdog: Nap Time
stretchdog: Cap'n Gus
stretchdog: Tryin' to sleep
stretchdog: Hard at Work...
stretchdog: monte
stretchdog: Physical Examination
stretchdog: He doesn't look evil...
stretchdog: IMGP1142.JPG
stretchdog: IMGP1141.JPG
stretchdog: IMGP1128.JPG
stretchdog: IMGP1127.JPG
stretchdog: IMGP1126.JPG
stretchdog: IMGP1125.JPG
stretchdog: IMGP1124.JPG