The Rough Draft Historian: Washes Away Sins
The Rough Draft Historian: Presbyterians for Earth Care Sign
The Rough Draft Historian: Presbyterians for Earth Care
The Rough Draft Historian: Stop Making and Selling
The Rough Draft Historian: Spiritual Progressives Demonstration
The Rough Draft Historian: Spiritual Progressives Demonstration
The Rough Draft Historian: Spiritual Progressives Demonstration
The Rough Draft Historian: Spiritual Progressives Demonstration
The Rough Draft Historian: Spiritual Progressives Demonstration
The Rough Draft Historian: Spiritual Progressives Demonstration
The Rough Draft Historian: Spiritual Progressives Demonstration
The Rough Draft Historian: Dorothy Day Catholic Workers Peace Vigil
The Rough Draft Historian: National Day of Prayer 2007 on Vimeo by PGF Entertainment
The Rough Draft Historian: Reclaim The Dream Rally
The Rough Draft Historian: Restoring Honor Rally
The Rough Draft Historian: Restoring Honor Rally
The Rough Draft Historian: Restoring Honor Rally
The Rough Draft Historian: Restoring Honor Rally
The Rough Draft Historian: Appalachia Rising
The Rough Draft Historian: Heavens Bailout
The Rough Draft Historian: Vote Out Poverty
The Rough Draft Historian: Restoring Honor Rally
The Rough Draft Historian: The Shofar Blowers
The Rough Draft Historian: The Shofar Blowers
The Rough Draft Historian: The Shofar Blowers
The Rough Draft Historian: The Shofar Blowers
The Rough Draft Historian: The Shofar Blowers