Stray Toaster: See Tycho
Stray Toaster: Ascension
Stray Toaster: ....and Leon's getting larger
Stray Toaster: The one I like
Stray Toaster: Big time
Stray Toaster: Several hours later...
Stray Toaster: Molly half the head
Stray Toaster: Nevermore
Stray Toaster: Shadowfall
Stray Toaster: Legroom
Stray Toaster: Not mars
Stray Toaster: Chomp $_
Stray Toaster: Stay off the moors
Stray Toaster: ...for the moonlit sky
Stray Toaster: Look to escape
Stray Toaster: Rake on the moon
Stray Toaster: Not apogee
Stray Toaster: Perigee
Stray Toaster: Arranged around me all these years