Stray Toaster: Acknowledging none else,
Stray Toaster: Spartan
Stray Toaster: Anymore?
Stray Toaster: Staring at the sea
Stray Toaster: One boy and his dog
Stray Toaster: Tae Kwon Tilt Shift
Stray Toaster: Piedder
Stray Toaster: Descend
Stray Toaster: Whipple
Stray Toaster: Boy and his dog
Stray Toaster: Tower of cookies
Stray Toaster: Stringer
Stray Toaster: Rocketree
Stray Toaster: Marcher
Stray Toaster: Middle of a rising block
Stray Toaster: My turn?
Stray Toaster: Swing left
Stray Toaster: Mother and son