Strannik45: IMG_0150
Strannik45: IMG_0151
Strannik45: IMG_0211
Strannik45: IMG_0237
Strannik45: Temple Jacob synagogue
Strannik45: IMG_0239
Strannik45: IMG_0240
Strannik45: IMG_0242
Strannik45: IMG_0244
Strannik45: IMG_0245
Strannik45: IMG_0246
Strannik45: Temple Jacob synagogue - a view from the ground
Strannik45: IMG_0248
Strannik45: Bilingual English/Finnish street sign
Strannik45: A large house for sale
Strannik45: Wolvenwood Ax Bar
Strannik45: The Bank Hotel (is for sale)
Strannik45: Quincy Street in downtown Hancock
Strannik45: Ovshinski Innovation
Strannik45: Hancock Bike Shop
Strannik45: Another bilingual street sign
Strannik45: Looking toward Houghton on Tezcuco Street
Strannik45: Life Outreach Center Of Houghton & Baraga Counties
Strannik45: Nutini's Supper Club
Strannik45: Sew Cranky antique store
Strannik45: Sew Cranky antique store - another angle
Strannik45: Quincy/Montezuma intersection sign
Strannik45: Finlandia University - Hirvonen Hall
Strannik45: Finlandia University
Strannik45: Sign on the door of the local Orpheum Theater