Strannik45: IMG_5001
Strannik45: DSC_5839
Strannik45: DSC_5841
Strannik45: DSC_5847
Strannik45: DSC_5848
Strannik45: DSC_5849
Strannik45: DSC_5850
Strannik45: The parade begins
Strannik45: The car at the head of the parade
Strannik45: Parade banner
Strannik45: DSC_5855
Strannik45: Haunted Halsted banner
Strannik45: Costume contest judges on the roof of the bus
Strannik45: Costume contest judges and a person in the Marshmello costume
Strannik45: Howard Brown clinics banner
Strannik45: Chicago Spirit Brigade
Strannik45: Chicago Spirit Brigade performs
Strannik45: DSC_5867
Strannik45: DSC_5868
Strannik45: Start of the couples' costumes entries
Strannik45: Couples costumes contestants
Strannik45: Couples costumes - something Scoobie-themed
Strannik45: Couple's costumes - biker mice?
Strannik45: Couples Costumes - Orange is the New Black
Strannik45: Couples Costumes - the Evil Queen and Snow White
Strannik45: Couples costumes - not really sure
Strannik45: More couples costumes
Strannik45: Couples Costumes - Lipstick Lesbian Barbie and Soft Butch Lesbian Barbie
Strannik45: DSC_5881
Strannik45: DSC_5882