Strannik45: Arriving in Kenosha - Site of the Wisconsin Department of Corrections building
Strannik45: Arriving in Kenosha - Site of the Wisconsin Department of Corrections building
Strannik45: Arriving in Kenosha - Just some houses
Strannik45: Arriving in Kenosha - 56th Street, where the Kenosha County Courthouse is located
Strannik45: Arriving in Kenosha - getting off the Union Pacific North Metra train
Strannik45: Kenosha - a view from the Metra station
Strannik45: A truck in front of the Kenosha Metra station
Strannik45: The obligatory shot of the Kenosha streetcar looping south
Strannik45: Road work on 11th Avenue
Strannik45: Southeast corner of 11th Avenue/56th Street
Strannik45: Crystal building, now without plywood
Strannik45: A closer view of the Crystal building
Strannik45: IMG_0330
Strannik45: A reporter reporting west of the Kenosha County Courthouse
Strannik45: Dinosaur museum - now free of plywood
Strannik45: TV station reporting setup at Civic Center Park
Strannik45: Kenosha Area Transit bus passes the Kenosha County Courthouse
Strannik45: No Parking signs in front of the Kenosha County Courthouse
Strannik45: Media tent at Civic Center Park, in front of Walter Reuther Central High School
Strannik45: Kenosha County Courthouse
Strannik45: Some people hanging out across the street from the Cook County Courthouse
Strannik45: THe media tent across the street from the Kenosha County Courthouse
Strannik45: Civic Center Park with Kenosha County Courthouse in the background
Strannik45: "Judge Bruce Schroeder must go" fliers on the Civic Center Park sign
Strannik45: Close-up of "Judge Bruce Schroeder must go" flier
Strannik45: One of the few remaining bits of boarded-up plywood - "Keno Loves"
Strannik45: Kenosha Area Transit Route 4 and 5 buses heading north on Sheridan Road
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Strannik45: IMG_0347
Strannik45: Another building that still has the panted plywood