Strannik45: Amazon package dumped in the snow
Strannik45: A view outside my building
Strannik45: North of Sullivan High School (right)
Strannik45: Snowman in front of the apartment building
Strannik45: West of the Red/Purple Line embankment
Strannik45: A large, partially melted snowman
Strannik45: Partially melted snowman
Strannik45: Less evenly cleared sidewalk
Strannik45: Helen Doria Beach in the snow
Strannik45: Helen Doria Beach - two snowmen by the tree (and remnants of the third)
Strannik45: Helen Doria Beach in the snow - the larger of the two snowmen
Strannik45: Helen Doria Beach in the snow - under the trees
Strannik45: IMG_6800
Strannik45: Helen Doria Beach - dog footprints in the snow
Strannik45: Snow-covered walkway to the beacon
Strannik45: Helen Doria Beach in the snow
Strannik45: Snow and ice over Lake Michigan
Strannik45: Ice near the walkway close-up
Strannik45: Lake Michigan - a view from the walkway
Strannik45: Snowman in Loyola dunes - through the zoom lens
Strannik45: Snowman at Loyola dunes
Strannik45: Snow patterns over Lake Michigan ice
Strannik45: MVI_6811
Strannik45: Water flowing under the ice and snow
Strannik45: Circular-ish patterns of snow over shifting pieces of ice
Strannik45: Piles of snow blown over the walkway
Strannik45: Chicago skyscrapers in the distance
Strannik45: Patterns of snow circles over the shifting pieces of ice - a view of the shore
Strannik45: Lake Michigan - looking east
Strannik45: IMG_6820