Strannik45: Boat docks at St. Joseph River
Strannik45: IMG_4166
Strannik45: IMG_4167
Strannik45: IMG_4168
Strannik45: "Building Bridges with Art" installation
Strannik45: "Building Bridges with Art" installation - Close-up
Strannik45: "Building Bridges with Art" installation - Another close-up
Strannik45: "Building Bridges with Art" installation - Hands
Strannik45: Welcome to Benton Harbor
Strannik45: Boat docks along St. Joseph River (on Benton Harbor side)
Strannik45: IMG_4175
Strannik45: Whirpool campus buildings
Strannik45: Whirlpool campus buildings - a closer view
Strannik45: The Coffee Canal
Strannik45: Turnaround at
Strannik45: Cafe Mosaic - "I Love Bento Harbor" poster
Strannik45: Cafe Mosaic
Strannik45: Inside Cafe Mosaic
Strannik45: Inside Cafe Mosaic - Books
Strannik45: Michigan Works job training facility
Strannik45: Villa Enviromental consultants
Strannik45: Former Rankie Breakfast Club
Strannik45: Former Rankie Breakfast Club - a little closer
Strannik45: Bono Bail Bonds
Strannik45: 6th Resale Store
Strannik45: Lark's Bar-B-Que
Strannik45: The Consortium for Community Development/NAACP building
Strannik45: State Movie Theater
Strannik45: #THERETURN Mural
Strannik45: An alaborate, but abandoned building