Strannik45: Purple Hotel
Strannik45: Purple Hotel
Strannik45: Purple Hotel - Obsolete redevelopment sign
Strannik45: OBsolete redevelopment sign
Strannik45: Tree in the overgrown parking lot
Strannik45: Purple Hotel - East Side
Strannik45: Purple Hotel - East Side - Rear
Strannik45: Purple Hotel - a view from the north
Strannik45: Overgrown Purple Hotel parking lot
Strannik45: "Purple Palace" back door
Strannik45: Purple Hotel - "Yard" - from the northeast side
Strannik45: Purple Hotel - "Yard" - from the northeast side
Strannik45: Purple Hotel - "Yard" - Direct view
Strannik45: Purple Hotel - "Yard" - from the northwest edge
Strannik45: Purple Hotel - "Yard" - from the northwest edge
Strannik45: Purple Hotel - west side