Strannik45: Brighton Beach Station
Strannik45: Brighton Beach Station
Strannik45: Brighton Beach - a view from the station platform
Strannik45: Brghton Beach - Another elevated view
Strannik45: Those buildings up ahead are uncomfortably familiar
Strannik45: Brighton Line curves towards north
Strannik45: A fruitstand
Strannik45: Stores near the station exits
Strannik45: DSCF2529
Strannik45: DSCF2530
Strannik45: DSCF2531
Strannik45: DSCF2532
Strannik45: DSCF2533
Strannik45: Under the subway
Strannik45: DSCF2536
Strannik45: These homes wouldn't look out of place in Chicago
Strannik45: Brighton Fur Storage
Strannik45: DSCF2540
Strannik45: Parcel service and a 99-cent store
Strannik45: Barber Shop - We buy gold
Strannik45: Walgreens Russian/English bilingual sign
Strannik45: "Keep Brighton Beach Clean"
Strannik45: Street vendor's table
Strannik45: MosvideofilM store
Strannik45: Down the street, toward the beach
Strannik45: "Welcome to Brighton Beach"
Strannik45: A Soviet-esque subway sign
Strannik45: A new apartment building
Strannik45: Brighton Bazaar
Strannik45: Towards the beach