Svwright: Toronto
Svwright: An American otter
Svwright: 4 American otters
Svwright: The American otters
Svwright: Squeaker squeaking
Svwright: Imogen
Svwright: Imogen in her pen
Svwright: New straw in the otter beds
Svwright: Some dead chicks
Svwright: Preparing the food
Svwright: Dead fish
Svwright: One of the American Otters with his fish
Svwright: Eating 3
Svwright: Eating 2
Svwright: Eating
Svwright: Four otters eating
Svwright: Raaaaa
Svwright: American otter eating
Svwright: Eating 4
Svwright: American otter eating 2
Svwright: American otter eating
Svwright: An arrangement of food in Hamish's pen
Svwright: Yannick feeding Squeaker
Svwright: Squeaker eating
Svwright: Squeaker
Svwright: Splash
Svwright: Splash and her fish
Svwright: Yannick and David hosing the pool
Svwright: Yannick cleaning up otter muck
Svwright: Yannick in the pool