strangefrontier: I like art you can stand on
strangefrontier: Rose is usually better at hide and seek
strangefrontier: I also like art you can hit
strangefrontier: Wallop
strangefrontier: Oh god I'm stuck in this tiny narrow gap with a zombie
strangefrontier: I am a cruel person who takes photos of friends mid-conversation
strangefrontier: South bank graffiti
strangefrontier: It would be inadvisable to swim there
strangefrontier: It's what keeps the bridge up
strangefrontier: A view along the Thames
strangefrontier: Mr Mystery Fax Machine himself, Martin White
strangefrontier: Bang bang!
strangefrontier: Some terrifying lunatic in Camden
strangefrontier: Bins. Recycling bins. Yes.
strangefrontier: Ready to rock out with MFMO, Jim Bob, and friends
strangefrontier: Freddie dislikes the paparazzi
strangefrontier: *pinches cheeks*
strangefrontier: Specifically, what type of lingerie do you sell? Ah, right.
strangefrontier: Victoria Embankment
strangefrontier: Thames House! Where the spies do their paperwork.
strangefrontier: Blue steel
strangefrontier: That's not how you do YMCA
strangefrontier: In an art gallery? Take photos of the ceiling.
strangefrontier: Lights
strangefrontier: More lights, more ceiling
strangefrontier: Looks a bit like a torture chamber
strangefrontier: Room of mirrors