stovak: bike2work: my coworker sue picked me up for work and I put my bike in her SUV. Going to bike home from work for the first time!
stovak: Bike2work: I hope it's ok there... office bulding doesn't have a bike rack.
stovak: on my way
stovak: Manhattan north of Henderson is residential
stovak: south of Euclid manhattan has bike lanes
stovak: I asked and they actually closed 2 lanes on gandy for me to ride on. Very nice of them.
stovak: the friendship bridge. 2 miles of no shade in 96 degree sun. It was pretty, but excruciating.
stovak: in the no-mans land behind derby lane
stovak: 62nd at first street....
stovak: Old NE - in the home stretch
stovak: The Finish Line: 2 hours and about 10-15 min