StoufferLSU: Gray Ratsnake - Pantherophis spiloides
StoufferLSU: Diamondback Watersnake with one cloudy eye - Nerodia rhombifer
StoufferLSU: Coachwhip - Masticophis flagellum
StoufferLSU: Coachwhip - Masticophis flagellum
StoufferLSU: Gray Ratsnake gets vertical - Pantherophis spiloides
StoufferLSU: Gray Ratsnake gets vertical - Pantherophis spiloides
StoufferLSU: Midwestern Wormsnake - Carphophis amoenus helenae
StoufferLSU: Midwestern Wormsnake - Carphophis amoenus helenae
StoufferLSU: Midwestern Wormsnake - Carphophis amoenus helenae
StoufferLSU: Midwestern Wormsnake - Carphophis amoenus helenae
StoufferLSU: Broad-banded Watersnake - Nerodia fasciata
StoufferLSU: Western Ratsnake Riley and Jess - Pantherophis obsoletus
StoufferLSU: Western Ratsnake - Pantherophis obsoletus
StoufferLSU: Ring-necked Snake - Diadophis punctatus
StoufferLSU: Plain-bellied Watersnake - Nerodia erythrogaster
StoufferLSU: Jacob et al. with Ring-necked Snake - Diadophis punctatus
StoufferLSU: Timber Rattlesnake - Crotalus horridus
StoufferLSU: Timber Rattlesnake - Crotalus horridus
StoufferLSU: Timber Rattlesnake rattles - Crotalus horridus
StoufferLSU: Broad-banded Watersnake copulating - Nerodia fasciata confluens
StoufferLSU: Broad-banded Watersnake - Nerodia fasciata confluens
StoufferLSU: Broad-banded Watersnake mating- Nerodia fasciata confluens
StoufferLSU: Cottonmouth eating Thamnophis - Agkistrodon piscivorus
StoufferLSU: Cottonmouth eating Thamnophis zoom - Agkistrodon piscivorus
StoufferLSU: RNR 3018 students and Cottonmouth - Agkistrodon piscivorus
StoufferLSU: Speckled or Black Kingsnake - Lampropeltis getula or L. holbrooki
StoufferLSU: Cottonmouth eating Thamnophis - Agkistrodon piscivorus
StoufferLSU: RNR 3018 students and Cottonmouth - Agkistrodon piscivorus
StoufferLSU: Speckled or Black Kingsnake - Lampropeltis sp.
StoufferLSU: Boa constrictor