StoufferLSU: Curve-billed Thrasher - CBTH
StoufferLSU: Scaled Quail and foothills of Sangre de Cristo mountains - scqu
StoufferLSU: Scaled Quail - scqu
StoufferLSU: Canyon Towhee - cato (actually cant)
StoufferLSU: Curve-billed Thrasher - cbth
StoufferLSU: Ruddy Duck - rudu
StoufferLSU: Ruddy Duck male displaying - rudu
StoufferLSU: Ash-throated Flycatcher - atfl
StoufferLSU: Bushtit - Psaltriparus minimus
StoufferLSU: Rufous Hummingbird - ruhu
StoufferLSU: Rufous Hummingbird - ruhu
StoufferLSU: Say's Phoebe - saph
StoufferLSU: House Finch - hofi
StoufferLSU: Mountain Bluebird - mobl
StoufferLSU: Mountain Bluebird - mobl
StoufferLSU: Mountain Bluebird - mobl
StoufferLSU: American Kestrel rehab bird - amke
StoufferLSU: American Kestrel rehab bird - amke
StoufferLSU: Ash-throated Flycatcher - atfl
StoufferLSU: Ash-throated Flycatcher - atfl
StoufferLSU: White-crowned Sparrow with a wild haircut - wcsp
StoufferLSU: Eared Grebe- eagr
StoufferLSU: Greater Roadrunner - grro
StoufferLSU: Western Tanager eats a caterpillar - Piranga ludoviciana weta
StoufferLSU: Sandhill Crane foursome in a field- sacr
StoufferLSU: Mountain Chickadee - Poecile gambeli moch
StoufferLSU: Red-breasted Nuthatch - Sitta canadensis rbnu
StoufferLSU: Pygmy Nuthatch gets vertical- Sitta pygmaea pynu
StoufferLSU: Great Horned Owl mobbed by Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay - ghow wosj
StoufferLSU: Brown-headed Cowbird and Yellow Warbler- bhco yewa