StoufferLSU: Jairo with White Hawk circa 1991 - Pseudaster (Leucopternis) albicollis
StoufferLSU: Jared Chico Emma Angélica by a big tree
StoufferLSU: Jared Jairo Phil Emma Angelica at Dimona 2012
StoufferLSU: Jairo reclines
StoufferLSU: Jared bands
StoufferLSU: Jared Onychorhynchus coronatus Royal Flycatcher
StoufferLSU: Jared Onychorhynchus coronatus Royal Flycatcher
StoufferLSU: Emma with Royal Flycatcher - Onychorhynchus coronatus
StoufferLSU: Emma with Royal Flycatcher - Onychorhynchus coronatus
StoufferLSU: Emma and Jared banding
StoufferLSU: Emma with Wedge-billed Woodcreeper nest - Glyphorynchus spirurus
StoufferLSU: Paul Goncalo Fleixa Juruna play domino
StoufferLSU: PaulKm41Sign
StoufferLSU: Paul at the Km41 sign
StoufferLSU: Lizzie with Amazonian Motmot - Momotus momota
StoufferLSU: Jared and Lizzie with Momotus
StoufferLSU: Paul with an Amazonian Motmot - Momotus momota
StoufferLSU: Paul Momotus momota Amazonian Motmot 2
StoufferLSU: Phil with an Amazonian Motmot - Momotus momota
StoufferLSU: Tatiana and Lizzie band
StoufferLSU: Tatiana Lizzie Band
StoufferLSU: Jared and Lizzie band some hidden bird
StoufferLSU: Aida extracting
StoufferLSU: Aida extracting
StoufferLSU: Aída extracting
StoufferLSU: Giant Ameiva - Ameiva ameiva with Paul
StoufferLSU: White-plumed Antbird with Paul - Pithys albifrons
StoufferLSU: Butch!
StoufferLSU: Luke and Phil at Baú