StoryTravelers: After extensive bathing in the healing waters of Netrodi, a little stand arouses our curiosity. What is this robust barista preparing??
StoryTravelers: His name is Pasquale and hands over a leaved twig to Elena Iacono. She takes it and sniffs profoundly: wow Menta! (Mint)
StoryTravelers: I m invited behind the scenes for the magic recipe. Pasquale presses fresh lemon juice.
StoryTravelers: The thick and fleshy leaves contain a jelly substance that consist for 99% of water. Rich of more than 200 constituents
StoryTravelers: Another magic ingredient: Aloe Vera. It has anti inflammatory impact on the body and cooling and works pressed on the skin.
StoryTravelers: "Miele millefiori" Thousend Flower honey drips from the spoon into the mixer.
StoryTravelers: But the real magic comes just right out of the tap.
StoryTravelers: Let the mixer work it magic to create an elixer so powerfull that you even would get an airplane of the ground with it.
StoryTravelers: That is what I call a holy grail. Stay young . Forever!
StoryTravelers: Pasquale tells us how this place has changed his life. He used to work in a cocktailbar. Drinking and smoking just as much as the customers. After he started working here soon he quit smoking and drinking. Now he feels like being years younger than befor
StoryTravelers: Green Eruption