StoryTravelers: La macchinetta Napolitana in 4 essential parts.
StoryTravelers: 1. Carla Scoops some robust ground espresso coffee in the machine and finally presses the coffee down in the holder.
StoryTravelers: 2. With a firm grip she closes the capsule.
StoryTravelers: 3. Indeed it looks like she assembling a little spaceshuttle.
StoryTravelers: 4. some freshly boiling water
StoryTravelers: 5. No pressure, just let the water do its work
StoryTravelers: 6. then fold a little paper hat form the daily Il Mattino
StoryTravelers: 7. and some protection. Don t let the flavors escape1
StoryTravelers: Present it all with design espresso cups.
StoryTravelers: 9. Drink your coffee preferebly pure, like tough guys do.