sheri | today is pretty: yessss. got my fix today. :)
sheri | today is pretty: half-eaten apple.
sheri | today is pretty: always the favorite.
sheri | today is pretty: shopping with the nieces. #heaven
sheri | today is pretty: really feeling it this year
sheri | today is pretty: always love this ceiling.
sheri | today is pretty: acorn o phile.
sheri | today is pretty: too bad it's also still in the 90s.
sheri | today is pretty: such a good husband. #anthropologiewaitingroom
sheri | today is pretty: hello, autumn.
sheri | today is pretty: under the pines.
sheri | today is pretty: it's fine time to recline.
sheri | today is pretty: morning run (let's be honest, with these hills, it was more of a morning gasp-pant-wheeze)
sheri | today is pretty: heading up the hill
sheri | today is pretty: big tree window
sheri | today is pretty: hollywood hallway