MistyDaze: Violet-green Sparrow
MistyDaze: Charismatic Tree Swallow
MistyDaze: Sandies in flight
MistyDaze: Sandies in flight
MistyDaze: Sandhill Cranes at 1600
MistyDaze: Mature and Immature Sandhill Cranes
MistyDaze: Sunset Sandies
MistyDaze: Belt of Venus and waterfowl
MistyDaze: Whirling Dervish
MistyDaze: Not Broken
MistyDaze: Mr Fancy Feathers
MistyDaze: Once Upon a Time in the West....
MistyDaze: Sunrise Elk, Carrizo Plains
MistyDaze: Near sunset, Tule Elk, Carrizo Plains
MistyDaze: Tule Elk--Back from the Brink of Extinction
MistyDaze: Coyote Sunrise
MistyDaze: Coyote in the Wetlands
MistyDaze: Juvenile California Condor
MistyDaze: Cactus Wren Juvenile
MistyDaze: Red-tailed Hawk with something to say
MistyDaze: wind blown red-shouldered hawk
MistyDaze: Merganser train
MistyDaze: Great White Hunter
MistyDaze: Sleepyhead
MistyDaze: Eyes Wide Open
MistyDaze: Barn Owl, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
MistyDaze: Burrowing Owl Babes
MistyDaze: Chicks of Summer
MistyDaze: Whooo you looking at?
MistyDaze: Cutest Little Owls Ever