Stormydog101: FIlming at the Christchurch Art Gallery complex
Stormydog101: Filming in Christchurch
Stormydog101: Outside Oxford Road Baptist
Stormydog101: Oxford Terrace Baptist church
Stormydog101: Filming at Oxford Terrace
Stormydog101: Oxford Terrace Baptist
Stormydog101: One stands, one falls
Stormydog101: Wreckage on Moorhouse Ave
Stormydog101: Christchurch Catholic Basilica
Stormydog101: Cathy broadcasting
Stormydog101: Broadcasting from the Quake zone
Stormydog101: Cathy updates the ilsteners
Stormydog101: Filming in the suburbs
Stormydog101: Knox church
Stormydog101: The Carlton
Stormydog101: Knox Presbyterian Church
Stormydog101: The Carlton's last days
Stormydog101: Checked
Stormydog101: Bealey Avenue house
Stormydog101: Bealey Avenue House
Stormydog101: Editing for the world
Stormydog101: Radio to the rescue
Stormydog101: Scott filming in New Brighton
Stormydog101: Filming in New Brighton
Stormydog101: Christchurch wreckage
Stormydog101: FIlming in the city
Stormydog101: The BBC in Christchurch
Stormydog101: Some day their prince will come
Stormydog101: William arrives
Stormydog101: The media scrum