stormyafternoon: brick brack
stormyafternoon: 99 bottle of of air on the wall
stormyafternoon: folk art
stormyafternoon: golden gate bridge
stormyafternoon: dinosaur sighting
stormyafternoon: alley way
stormyafternoon: me depression busy
stormyafternoon: big city
stormyafternoon: san francisco
stormyafternoon: san francisco
stormyafternoon: city park
stormyafternoon: at angela's
stormyafternoon: japantown
stormyafternoon: frozen yogurt on a hot day
stormyafternoon: coffee shop in grassland
stormyafternoon: hollyhock
stormyafternoon: tower of hollyhock
stormyafternoon: hollyhocks