stormfa11: Yawwwwwnnnnn
stormfa11: Contemplating Cat
stormfa11: Should I Bother to Go out?
stormfa11: Loving Grooming
stormfa11: Hmm.. Biteable Legs.. Yummy
stormfa11: Look Ma.. No Claws!
stormfa11: Ok Enough with the Phototaking
stormfa11: An Ungracious Act
stormfa11: Ignoring the Cameraman
stormfa11: Meowing for Attention
stormfa11: Snikt!
stormfa11: Did something move at the corner of my eye?
stormfa11: Relaxed
stormfa11: Serious Look
stormfa11: Relaxed
stormfa11: Alert
stormfa11: Getting Ready to Pounce
stormfa11: Getting Ready to Pounce
stormfa11: Enjoying the Warmth of Cement
stormfa11: Taking a Sniff
stormfa11: Innovative Use of Planter Box
stormfa11: Innovative Use of Planter Box
stormfa11: Innovative Use of Planter Box
stormfa11: Pillow Chinning
stormfa11: Pillow Chinning
stormfa11: Smelling Pillow
stormfa11: Being Comfortable
stormfa11: Being Comfortable
stormfa11: Beautiful Eyes
stormfa11: Beuatiful Eyes