stophoto: Myleen - Speed Graphic 4x5 Polaroid
stophoto: My boys
stophoto: My boy
stophoto: The Lake
stophoto: 1st Print from darkroom - Amanda
stophoto: Asha 6x6057
stophoto: Liya Heye Photo B&W035
stophoto: Myleen 6x6 bw-1
stophoto: Asha 4x5 Polaroid
stophoto: My son 1
stophoto: Bill 4x5 Sinar - Polaroid
stophoto: Cannon Beach
stophoto: 4x5 portrait Polariod
stophoto: Quiet little Rolleiflex!!
stophoto: img186-Edit
stophoto: Liya 6x6 Film b
stophoto: Portrait - James Wyper
stophoto: Film compared to Polaroid
stophoto: img185-Edit
stophoto: John's Barber Shop - 50 years!
stophoto: Practicing their shot!
stophoto: Film Rules - Large Format - 4x5
stophoto: Luke Large Format 4x5 - new scan
stophoto: Hasselblad Rocks!
stophoto: Camera Porn - My New Baby
stophoto: Sun Set Big Sur
stophoto: Tysean
stophoto: Large Format Luke Portrait 1
stophoto: Liya Color Transparency039