Images of India: Like this but too many people shots?
Images of India: Kumbh Day 3_325
Images of India: Nagaur Day 2_434
Images of India: Kumbh Portraits 3
Images of India: Kumbh Mela Portraits 2
Images of India: Kumbh Mela Portraits 2
Images of India: Kumbh Mela Portraits 1
Images of India: Varanasi Portraits
Images of India: Varanasi Portraits
Images of India: Varanasi _46
Images of India: Varanasi Day 1_9
Images of India: Ardh Kumbh Mela - Allahabad 2007
Images of India: Market Trader - Nasik - Madhya Pradesh - 2004
Images of India: Ardh Kumbh Mela 2007
Images of India: On the Kanyakumari Express - India