Stone.Rome: This ship moored alongside the National Maritime museum in Amsterdam is an exact copy of the famous Dutch East India Company ship the Amsterdam.
Stone.Rome: The National Maritime museum - Amsterdam.
Stone.Rome: The glass roof of the inner courtyard of the National Maritime museum - Amsterdam
Stone.Rome: Ship's ornament
Stone.Rome: Ship's ornament
Stone.Rome: Ship's ornament
Stone.Rome: Ship's ornament
Stone.Rome: The National Martitime museum - Amsterdam.
Stone.Rome: Painting of Cornelis Christiaan Dommershuizen
Stone.Rome: Jeepney at Tropen Museum - Amsterdam.
Stone.Rome: Ancesteral figure of the Yatmul from New Guinea. Tropen Museum - Amsterdam.
Stone.Rome: Ancesteral figure of the Yatmul from New Guinea. Tropen Museum - Amsterdam.
Stone.Rome: Ancesteral figure. Tropen Museum - Amsterdam.
Stone.Rome: Painting from Indonesia - Tropen Museum - Amsterdam .
Stone.Rome: Painting from Indonesia - Tropen Museum - Amsterdam.
Stone.Rome: Painting from Indonesia - Tropen Museum - Amsterdam.
Stone.Rome: Tropen Museum - Amsterdam.
Stone.Rome: Was figure and real person.Tropen Museum - Amsterdam
Stone.Rome: Was figure of Dutch soldier in the formal Dutch East Indies. Tropen Museum - Amsterdam.
Stone.Rome: Was figure with glass body parts.Tropen Museum - Amsterdam.
Stone.Rome: Was figure with glass body parts.Tropen Museum - Amsterdam.
Stone.Rome: Was figure of a Governor General of the formal Dutch East Indies.Tropen Museum - Amsterdam.
Stone.Rome: Detail, Girl in white Kimono, George Hendrik Breitner
Stone.Rome: The Virgin Mary, Sciena c 1423
Stone.Rome: The Virgin Mary, detail, Sciena c 1423.
Stone.Rome: The angel Gabriel, Sciena c 1423
Stone.Rome: Saint Vitus, c 1500
Stone.Rome: Last supper, wood, Middle Ages
Stone.Rome: Vrigin and Child, Middle Ages (2)
Stone.Rome: Vrigin and Child, Middle Ages (1)