stoneroberts: P1010044.JPG
stoneroberts: lygnared
stoneroberts: lygnared
stoneroberts: learning to swim
stoneroberts: lygnared
stoneroberts: learning to swim
stoneroberts: lygnared
stoneroberts: lygnared
stoneroberts: lygnared
stoneroberts: lygnared
stoneroberts: lygnared
stoneroberts: lygnared
stoneroberts: Gothenburg
stoneroberts: burial mound
stoneroberts: Vadstena castle
stoneroberts: boys, Vadstena
stoneroberts: woodland
stoneroberts: approach
stoneroberts: resurrection chapel
stoneroberts: DSC01438.JPG
stoneroberts: DSC01405.JPG
stoneroberts: DSC01378.JPG
stoneroberts: DSC01375.JPG
stoneroberts: mariefred
stoneroberts: Hamar drawing
stoneroberts: Hamar cathedral (ruin)
stoneroberts: P1010014.JPG
stoneroberts: P1010020.JPG
stoneroberts: eamonn + agnes