st0nemas0nry: checking out the rebate
st0nemas0nry: marking out rebate from the template
st0nemas0nry: checking out rebate
st0nemas0nry: marking out
st0nemas0nry: checking the rebate straightness
st0nemas0nry: moulding sandstone
st0nemas0nry: setting out for boning
st0nemas0nry: setting out for boning
st0nemas0nry: drilling for splitting
st0nemas0nry: drilling for splitting
st0nemas0nry: checking block dimensions
st0nemas0nry: checking block dimensions
st0nemas0nry: setting out for boning
st0nemas0nry: setting out for boning
st0nemas0nry: setting out for boning
st0nemas0nry: setting out for boning
st0nemas0nry: setting out for boning
st0nemas0nry: setting out for boning
st0nemas0nry: checking out the rebate
st0nemas0nry: in the dry skills workshop
st0nemas0nry: marking out the rebate
st0nemas0nry: checking out a rebate
st0nemas0nry: moulding sandstone
st0nemas0nry: boning the block
st0nemas0nry: setting out the top centre line
st0nemas0nry: shopfitters wet skills projects
st0nemas0nry: shopfitters wet skills projects
st0nemas0nry: shopfitters wet skills projects
st0nemas0nry: shopfitters wet skills projects
st0nemas0nry: checking cube setout