stonefaction: Youngster.
stonefaction: Goosander.
stonefaction: Goosander.
stonefaction: Goosander Girl.
stonefaction: Drake Goosander.
stonefaction: Tufty.
stonefaction: Drinking.
stonefaction: Catching The Sun.
stonefaction: Goosander.
stonefaction: Drake Goosander.
stonefaction: Goosander.
stonefaction: Moulting Goosander.
stonefaction: Goosander.
stonefaction: Young Goosander.
stonefaction: Goosander.
stonefaction: Drake Goosander.
stonefaction: Goosander.
stonefaction: Smile.
stonefaction: Goosander Goes By.
stonefaction: Droplets.
stonefaction: Reflect.
stonefaction: Going Away.
stonefaction: Pristine.
stonefaction: Drake.
stonefaction: Like Ducks Out Of Water...
stonefaction: Drake Goosander.
stonefaction: Smart Drake.
stonefaction: Sawbilled Stare.
stonefaction: Female Goosander.
stonefaction: Four Goosanders.