stonefaction: Branching Out.
stonefaction: Great Spotted Woodpecker.
stonefaction: Woodie.
stonefaction: Great Spotted Woodpecker.
stonefaction: Taking A Drink.
stonefaction: Hide And Seek.
stonefaction: Peeking Out.
stonefaction: Beakful Of Bugs.
stonefaction: Concentration.
stonefaction: Watching.
stonefaction: Great Spot.
stonefaction: Junior.
stonefaction: Front Door Canopy.
stonefaction: In The Pines.
stonefaction: Great Spotted Woodpecker.
stonefaction: Great Spot.
stonefaction: Great Spotted Woodpecker.
stonefaction: Trunk.
stonefaction: Wee Woodpecker.
stonefaction: Great Spotted.
stonefaction: Upwards.
stonefaction: Wee Woody.
stonefaction: Great Spotted Woodpecker.
stonefaction: Woodpecker.
stonefaction: Going Up.