stonebrewingco: Chili's "cage"
stonebrewingco: The man behind our Gardens
stonebrewingco: Chili at his desk
stonebrewingco: Hard at work
stonebrewingco: Fallen refuse from the Gardens
stonebrewingco: Chili rockin' the chipper
stonebrewingco: Chipping away
stonebrewingco: The final product...mulch
stonebrewingco: Mulch close-up
stonebrewingco: Chili procuring spent grain from the brewery
stonebrewingco: Bucket of spent grain
stonebrewingco: Spent Grain close-up
stonebrewingco: Chili's bucket of kitchen compost
stonebrewingco: Kitchen compost close-up
stonebrewingco: Decomposed Granite bucket
stonebrewingco: Decomposed Granite close-up
stonebrewingco: Step 1 - Mix spent grain with decomposed Granite
stonebrewingco: Step 2 - Mix kitchen compost with spent grain and decomposed Granite
stonebrewingco: Step 2 close-up
stonebrewingco: Step 3 - Add a few handfuls of aged mulch
stonebrewingco: Mix thoroughly
stonebrewingco: Keep mixing...
stonebrewingco: The Final Product
stonebrewingco: Opening the bag of oak chips
stonebrewingco: Taking in the sweet smell of the oak chips
stonebrewingco: The early-yield Tomatoes
stonebrewingco: Chili picking out the right pot
stonebrewingco: Insects and worms are a good sign
stonebrewingco: Add gravel to the bottom of the pot for drainage