stonebird: Where the Yerba Mansa grows
stonebird: 19 Grassland foraging Whimbrels
stonebird: Grassland foraging Whimbrels
stonebird: Great Egret Salt Marsh Hunting
stonebird: Northern Harrier, adult female
stonebird: On land Turkey Vulture feasting on Audubon's Cottontail
stonebird: Turkey Vulture, Cathartes aura
stonebird: Wintering Monarchs
stonebird: Wintering Monarchs
stonebird: Fractured Western Snout Moth, Diastictis fracturalis
stonebird: Wandering Skipper nectaring on Saltmarsh Dodder flowers, 7-29-10
stonebird: Wandering Skipper depositing eggs on Saltgrass, 7-29-10
stonebird: Green Metallic Bee, Agapostemon melliventris
stonebird: Tachytes Wasp
stonebird: Square-headed Wasp, Larropsis sp.
stonebird: Great Golden Digger Wasp
stonebird: Yellow-faced Bumble Bee
stonebird: Northern Harrier, adult female, 11-24-09 (field notes)
stonebird: Kite and catch
stonebird: Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve
stonebird: A prayer
stonebird: New years eve