stonebird: Araneus gemma
stonebird: Moon spider
stonebird: Argiope trifasciata, male
stonebird: Argiope trifasciata, female
stonebird: Salt Pan Wolf Spider with spiderlings
stonebird: Araneus gemma. Thanksgiving eve
stonebird: Sleeping Araneus gemma
stonebird: Araneus gemma Thanksgiving eve
stonebird: Notamuffin, Araneus gemma
stonebird: Araneus gemma Halloween
stonebird: Araneus gemma, Orb Weaving Spider
stonebird: Argiope in the Pickleweed and the Alkali Mallow
stonebird: Banded Argiope, Argiope trifasciata
stonebird: Black and Yellow Argiope, Argiope aurantia (female)
stonebird: Black and Yellow Argiope, Argiope aurantia (female)
stonebird: Bamded Argiope, Argiope trifasciata (male)
stonebird: Sexual dimorphism of Argiope trifasciata, male and female
stonebird: Green Lynx Spider and the Buckwheat Flower
stonebird: Banded Argiope
stonebird: Web weaver over water
stonebird: Green Lynx Spider on California Buckwheat
stonebird: Wolf Spider carrying her young
stonebird: Woodlouse Hunter, Dysdera crocota
stonebird: Still protecting spinderlings on her day 48
stonebird: Green Lynx Spiderlings
stonebird: Day 40 welcoming the new spiderling to the world
stonebird: October Tree Spider
stonebird: The 30 day vigil
stonebird: Her eggs released and now she protects her nest
stonebird: Protecting her nest on Thursday