Stone and Cedar: Ford - the logical choice
Stone and Cedar: Real Good Coal
Stone and Cedar: Men's bathing suits
Stone and Cedar: Michigan Transit Co. Steamers - 1930
Stone and Cedar: Whaleback Steamer Christopher Columbus
Stone and Cedar: Victor Bicycles 1895
Stone and Cedar: Wagon dealer
Stone and Cedar: Girls who smoke - Elberta Michigan 1912
Stone and Cedar: Benzie Banner - Reaching more homes
Stone and Cedar: 65% of kids are on drugs, oh well 1980 will be better
Stone and Cedar: Circulation - October 10, 1963
Stone and Cedar: Smart styling of 53 Chevrolets
Stone and Cedar: Credit crunch - 1923
Stone and Cedar: Save our Ship - 1951
Stone and Cedar: Frankfort Gateway
Stone and Cedar: We can't tolerate this
Stone and Cedar: Frankfort, the ferry, land of Michigan
Stone and Cedar: Waterproof coat
Stone and Cedar: Bile beans
Stone and Cedar: What is the world coming to? 1892 edition
Stone and Cedar: In electrical news - 1892
Stone and Cedar: Unsold space - 1892
Stone and Cedar: Missouri -1892
Stone and Cedar: $100 bike - 1892
Stone and Cedar: November 3, 1892
Stone and Cedar: Toledo Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railroad map - 1892
Stone and Cedar: Eating clothes
Stone and Cedar: Elephant on hands