Stone and Cedar:
Concert Cafe - Green Bay, WI - Show listing - late 1997
Stone and Cedar:
Unwound with Cilkatat Ikatowi - De Pere Wisconsin
Stone and Cedar:
Ezra Pound - Crayons - Figurehead - Sliyanie - Kutska's Hall - Green Bay, WI
Stone and Cedar:
Ezra Pound (pre- Rainer Maria) show flyer. Green Bay circa 1992.
Stone and Cedar:
Velocity Girl - Jale - Marquette University
Stone and Cedar:
Lunachicks - Boris the Sprinkler - Blue Sunshine - Concert Cafe, Green Bay, WI
Stone and Cedar:
Ebola Virus and Yellow Based Red.
Stone and Cedar:
Brainiac - Poster Children - Sliyanie - Concert Cafe, Green Bay, WI
Stone and Cedar:
Supernova - Alligator Gun - Foxy - Kutska's Hall
Stone and Cedar:
Concert Cafe - Green Bay, WI - Show listing - late 1996
Stone and Cedar:
Jawbox - Arcwelder - Shiner - Concert Cafe - Green Bay, WI
Stone and Cedar:
Punk Picnic - the Scissor Girls - Marble - Bay Beach Amusement Park - Green Bay, WI
Stone and Cedar:
Delta 72 - Sunday Flood - the Vanilla Jacksons - Reclimb - Concert Cafe, Green Bay WI
Stone and Cedar:
Concert Cafe - Green Bay, WI - Show listing - late 1996
Stone and Cedar:
Ida, Vermont, Beekeeper - Green Bay concert Cafe flier.
Stone and Cedar:
David Grubbs at Woodland Pattern - Alternating Currents Show - Milwaukee, WI
Stone and Cedar:
Camden, Wolfie, Por Avion - Milwaukee, WI.
Stone and Cedar:
Camden - Paris, Texas, Insidious - Milwaukee, WI
Stone and Cedar:
Stone and Cedar:
Ezra Pound lyric sheet - from Kutska's Hall Show
Stone and Cedar:
Killdozer and Titletown Noise Fest - Kutska's Hall - Green Bay, WI
Stone and Cedar:
Vacuum Scam, Giant's Chair, Salt, Thin Red Line - UW extension, Appleton, WI.
Stone and Cedar:
Hang out with the Wedding Present at Atomic Records
Stone and Cedar:
Harriet the Spy, MIJ, Sliyanie, Oral Be -- Roach House, Green Bay, WI
Stone and Cedar:
Camden - Paris, Texas -- reviewer cassette insert
Stone and Cedar:
Stone and Cedar:
Stone and Cedar:
Stone and Cedar:
Crownhate Ruin, Ezra Pound, Sliyanie at the Factory Coffeehouse
Stone and Cedar: