stoneofzanzibar: Gage Park High School sweater
stoneofzanzibar: The best kind of Green Bay Packer Coat
stoneofzanzibar: Another dark day for Illinois
stoneofzanzibar: Child Guidance farm
stoneofzanzibar: you'll have to pay, mister (or ms), for The Paymaster
stoneofzanzibar: E.C. wasn't here, but his T-shirts sure were!
stoneofzanzibar: the rockinist band on 35th Street
stoneofzanzibar: wonder what her shoe size is?
stoneofzanzibar: eat Breyers all ways
stoneofzanzibar: since 1866 (Breyers)
stoneofzanzibar: Three-pack of audio (not-so) goodness
stoneofzanzibar: Dream is gone, but traces remain
stoneofzanzibar: ...not geese,bacon or club
stoneofzanzibar: Who needs a Starbucks when you have Samsonite?
stoneofzanzibar: happy carolers
stoneofzanzibar: Season's Greetings!
stoneofzanzibar: Remco Jet Propulsion Science Kit (1969)
stoneofzanzibar: The lost Lincoln interview?
stoneofzanzibar: General Electric heating pad
stoneofzanzibar: Sears Doctor's Scale