St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
side hall to bride's room (Crypt)
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
there are many fuse boxes here
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Bride's room
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Acolyte vesting room (same suite as bride room)
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
A once-busy telephone station (Crypt)
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
stairs up to Cathedral nave via sacristy
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
crypt passageway
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
hallway outside large kitchen and dining hall in Crypt
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Crypt passageway, dressed up a bit
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
vault and soft drinks
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Crypt passageway by elevator
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
linen laundry
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
linen laundry
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
boiler room and spare kneelers
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
passageway under Parish Hall
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
passageway under Parish Hall
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
stairs between Parish Hall and choir room
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
stairway from choir room to Parish Hall
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
East stairway
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Choir Master
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
choir room from east
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
choir room from west